Spotlighting Cluj is a Collective Art Exhibition dedicated to multiple artists belonging to the prestigious University of Art and Design of Cluj-Napoca.
More than 90 artists present their artworks: Painting, Sculpture, Graphic Arts, Foto-video-digital image processing, Conservation and restoration, Ceramics-Glass-Metal, Textile Design, Fashion Design, Design (graphic design, product design, interior design), Art pedagogy…
Diverse forms of art which conceive a chaotic yet intricate environment combining both traditional and digital art, a various Art Collection conceived from artists living in Romania and sharing the same cultural creative environment.
By showing in Rome this collection, the University of Art and Design of Cluj-Napoca intends to create an artistic bridge between two countries, Romania and Italy, which share a common historical past and a more current present in the light of the steady business exchanges.
The University of Art and Design of Cluj-Napoca reveals a copious creative expression produced by different departments and both emerging and professional artists in an attempt to transfer cultural concepts and create a dialogue among international artists.
This dialogue especially dedicated to the public in Rome, by showcasing dissimilar creative layers and topics would represent the possibility of an encounter which can open new spaces and reflections to be dwelled upon.
Choosing a suburban space in Roma such as Il Mitreo we intend to add value in the almost forgotten periphery of the metropole.
This art Gallery is placed within the well- kwon kilometer building, Il Serpentone, the big snake, conceived and realized by the architect Mario Fiorentino in 1972, this architectural concept devoted to the working class should have conceived an alternative and modern way of life in the peripherical area of the city.
But in the collective imagination it became a symbol of the urban decline. Decades of debates and political battles brought to a regeneration which can be observed among the other things by the cultural engagement of Il Mitreo.
This is the reason why Il Mecc supports cultural and creative projects which enhance the peripherical areas: to bring cultural life and active participation among people with the intent to de-provincialize most remote places.